Linked List
A LinkedList, or linked list, is a data structure in which each element, called a node, contains a value and a pointer or reference to the next node. Here are the pros and cons of a LinkedList:
Efficient insertion and deletion: Unlike arrays, where moving elements to insert or delete at intermediate positions is required, in a LinkedList, insertion and deletion of elements can be done efficiently by simply updating the node pointers.
Dynamic size: LinkedLists do not have a fixed predefined size, which means that items can be easily added or deleted without worrying about memory space.
Flexibility in memory allocation: Unlike arrays, which usually require a contiguous block of memory, a LinkedList can store its nodes in scattered locations in memory, allowing for more flexible memory allocation.
Efficiency in concatenation: joining or concatenating two LinkedLists is an efficient operation, since only the final pointers need to be updated.
sequential access: Unlike arrays, where any element can be accessed directly using an index, in a LinkedList, one must traverse the list from the beginning to access an element at a specific position. This makes random access less efficient.
Additional memory usage: In addition to storing item values, LinkedLists also require additional space to store pointers or references to subsequent nodes. This can consume more memory compared to arrays.
Increased implementation complexity: The structure of a LinkedList and the associated operations require higher implementation complexity compared to simple arrays.